Get pregnant faster, even if IVF has failed
If you have been trying to conceive for a while…
you are probably frustrated, overwhelmed and anxious
- frustrated about how long it is taking
- overwhelmed by the enormity of it, it consumes your every waking moment
- anxious because you fear it may never happen.
- frustrated that everyone one else seems to get pregnant easily
- overwhelmed by the time consuming appointments and costs
- anxious because you don’t know where to turn.
- frustrated that you are not getting the answers that you need
- overwhelmed by the unfairness of it
- anxious because you feel you are running out of time.
It is time now for hope, joy and fulfillment.
Having watched my younger sister go through infertility for 10 years, with multiple pregnancy losses and ineffective medical interventions, I thought there must be a better way.

That was the starting point of a journey which led me to discover how to optimize fertility naturally, even if IVF has failed.
I knew it had to be comprehensive, addressing a broad range of fertility factors. It had to be practical, something anyone could implement. And most of all it had to be effective, delivering not just a positive pregnancy test, but a healthy pregnancy and a beautiful baby.
The Now Baby Platinum Fertility Programme delivers all of this online in a 90 day, step by step nutrition and lifestyle protocol, personalised for you and your partner and supported by me throughout.
I have so much faith in this protocol that I have included an entire module on what to do in the first trimester, because that is where I expect you to be in 90 days time.
I am your secret weapon!
Yep, that’s what one dad called me when I gave him his bespoke fertility programme. After 5 failed IVFs they couldn’t believe that getting pregnant naturally could be so easy or so quick.
Your fertility is dynamic, never static. It takes 90 days for every egg and sperm to mature, ready for fertilization and everything both of you does, in terms of nutrition and lifestyle, in that 3 months immediately prior to conception, can influence the outcome, either positively or negatively.
When you only want to give this one more shot and you want that to be your best shot….that’s when it is time for your secret weapon!
Your investment in your future family is €1495 as a single payment or 3 monthly installments of €499

Here's what to expect from your Personalised Platinum Fertility Programme.....
A nutrition professional, with 20 years of evidence based experience, working closely with you to achieve your dream.
A clear path forward, with a definite timeline. No more vague trials and wait and sees. This protocol aims to deliver.
No drugs, herbs, injections or invasive procedures. Just Mother Nature at her finest, supporting you to become a Mama.
A comprehensive approach, including both partners, nothing is left out or overlooked.
The end of stressing and guessing. Finally someone who takes your concerns and questions seriously and understands the emotional journey as much as the practical one.
Some conditions, such as PCOS, have a higher risk for miscarriage and gestational diabetes. The risk factors for pregnancy and epigenetics for your baby’s future health are addressed right from the start, leading to better outcomes for both of you.
Your Personalised Platinum Fertility Programme includes...
- 90 minute consultation by video link, available worldwide, where I will take your full medical and lifestyle history – arranged as soon as you book.
- A bespoke fertility programme delivered in 12 weekly modules directly to your device, addressing the specific steps to optimize yours and your partner’s fertility naturally.
- 5 fortnightly 30 minute follow up calls, supporting your progress.
- Unlimited email support.
- 12 Week Fertility Meal Plan, including daily breakfast, lunch and snack recommendations, delicious recipes and handy weekly shopping lists.
- Only professional grade supplements recommended, no more unnecessary packers, fillers, binders and artificial ingredients

A typical fertility plan will follow this format
Week 1
Blood Sugar balance
Reproductive hormones are produced in a hierarchy, starting with insulin. This is the foundation of optimizing your fertility naturally.
Week 2
Body Composition
The amount of stored body fat affects your fertility. Here we will start to optimize it for conception.
Week 3
Toxins steal our fertility resources. By reducing exposure we optimize resources.
Week 4
Food provides fuel and also nutrients. Nutrient dense food optimizes fertility.
Week 5
Sperm Health
Sperm production has a lifecycle. Here we cover the steps to optimize sperm count, motility and morphology and to reduce DNA fragmentation.
Week 6
Your menstrual cycle is the 5th vital sign of health. Here’s where we optimize it for a natural conception.
Week 7
Stress impacts fertility in a variety of ways, from low sex drive to blocking progesterone. Stress management techniques are crucial to your fertility success.
Week 8
Sub fertility
Special categories, including;
- Low AMH
- Endometriosis
- Miscarriage
- Unexplained infertility
- Secondary infertility
- Male infertility
- Underactive thyroid
Week 9
Poor quality sleep also interferes with reproductive hormone production. Here we establish good sleep hygiene and includes shift work.
Week 10
Food labels
Here we learn to navigate food labels and learn to interpret them for your fertility benefits.
Week 11
Microbiome; where gut health influences your hormones.
Week 12
Next steps;
Congratulations, what you need to know for the first trimester of pregnancy and beyond.
Optimizing success with these helpful bonuses
Meal prep guide
Many of the meals in your plan are suitable for prepping in advance.
Our handy meal prep guide will help you save time in the kitchen, while still maintaining adherence to your programme.
20% discount on professional grade supplements
There is a world of difference between cheap over the counter supplements and those recommended by nutrition professionals.
We want you to have the best and we love money savers.
A 20% discount each month as you progress will help save you valuable resources as you move into parenthood.
Built in relaxation
A curated selection of guided meditations are included in your programme to help you ground into your new state of being.
This all sounds great but what if….
...we are not ready to start yet?
There will never be a perfect time to start, but there is no time like the present!
There is no need to wait for test results or for the start of a menstrual cycle. Getting started today is the best way to succeed fast.
If you would prefer to get on the wait list for the next available space you can register here.
...we get pregnant during the course?
Congratulations! That is exactly what the course is for. Nothing in the course is unsuitable for pregnancy, so you can continue with all of the modules, they support a healthy pregnancy as well as a healthy conception. And of course you will get immediate benefit from the first trimester module in Week 12.
...I have low AMH?
Statistically, there is no difference in time to pregnancy between a low AMH and regular AMH. AMH is a hormone, it can go up as well as down. Despite what you may have been told, it is NOT a measure of your ovarian reserve. Women with AMH of 0.1 have got pregnant naturally on this protocol.
...I have PCOS?
... we don't have then funds to pay now, can we join later?
This is not just a financial commitment, it is a commitment to your future family. I have put a monthly payment option in place to make the financial commitment manageable because I want you to get pregnant as soon as possible.
...there is male infertility
...I have a food allergy?
This is a common issue and one that is easily resolved. For many people with a food allergy or intolerance, they consume alternatives, i.e. ‘gluten free’, which have additives that are neither healthy nor fertile friendly. The Now Baby meal plan is free from added sugar, dairy free, caffeine free, high in fibre, nutrient dense and blood sugar balancing. All of the ingredients are easily available locally and there are plenty of options to swap what you can’t eat and still get great nourishment.
... it doesn't work?
For some couples, getting pregnant can take longer than 3 months. Underlying medical factors or a long history of poor lifestyle can delay things. No matter how long it takes or what sacrifices are made to get there, it will always be worth it.
In the past I have seen clients wait 2, 3 even 5 years and spend tens of thousands on medical treatments that didn’t work, only to come back and succeed with this course in just 90 days. They took the long traditional medical route – don’t follow them. Here is your opportunity to succeed, but it definitely won’t work if you don’t try.
And what if it does work!? A year from now, you will be glad you started today
...if medical intervention hasn't worked?
5 out of 6 couples get pregnant naturally. This programme has worked successfully for couples whose IVF has failed in every IVF clinic in the country, even couples who have used a donor egg. Medical interventions can only work with the egg and sperm you bring to the procedure. This is your chance to harness the power of Nature, so she can bring you your baby.
...what if we are diagnosed with unexplained infertility?
About 25% of all infertility will fall into this category, you are not alone. It can be very frustrating to not have an explanation.
Typically unexplained infertility simply means unexplained medically. Medical testing has it’s limitations and in many cases results are sub optimal rather than outside the required range, therefore don’t get highlighted.
The Now Baby programme takes a holistic view and aims to get all key fertility factors optimized at the same time, during this 90 day window, creating the perfect opportunity for a natural conception.
...we have had miscarriages?
Getting pregnant and then losing it is heart-breaking, you have my sincerest sympathy.
Most early losses occur due a fertility factor, either male or female, rather than a pregnancy issue.
This programme will give you the opportunity to adequately resource your next pregnancy by improving the egg and sperm quality along with the mother’s nutritional status, which implements the genetic instruction. we have to wait the full 90 days to get pregnant?
Not at all! Many couples succeed after the first or second month, but it is wise to set the full 90 days as your timeframe at the outset. It will take the pressure off you, instead of feeling disappointed in the early stages. We are setting the foundations for the rest of your child’s life, so definitely worth putting in the time.
... I really think we have tried everything already?
Unless your are a previous client of mine, you haven’t tried this before. This programme is unique, put together by me personally and never passed on to anyone else. You won’t get this programme elsewhere. If this is your last shot, let’s make it your best shot ever!
...we change our mind?
This programme requires commitment so shouldn’t be entered into unless your are genuinely ready to succeed to conceive.
If you change your mind and notify us at within 7 days of registering, Now Baby will issue a refund. Access to the programme and your consultation booking will be immediately cancelled.

Rainbow baby girl after multiple miscarriages

Secondary infertility after 13 years, resolved in 3 months

Low AMH success in just 90 days

Meet Claire
Claire Burrows is an accredited nutrition and lifestyle coach. Specializing in fertility and pregnancy, she has over 20 years experience and over 550 fertility successes behind her to date.
As the clinical lead at Now Baby, Claire is responsible for creating all of the evidence based protocols. With every client she takes on, she has skin in the game. She is attached to the outcome for every single couple and it shows.
Having witnessed first hand the impact of infertility throughout a family, she has a caring and empathetic approach to couples who are raw and vulnerable.
She is a safe pair of hands for even the most complex challenges.

You may have spent €5000, €10,000 or even more on medical interventions already and been disappointed time and again.
Not only is the Now Baby Platinum Fertility Programme a fraction of those costs, it is repeatable. There are no ongoing fees, just a simple rinse and repeat whenever you want to grow your family some more.
What do you say?
Are you ready to ditch the overwhelm and confusion that have stagnated your plans and prepared to succeed to conceive ?
Your investment in your future family is €1495 as a single payment or 3 monthly installments of €499

20 years of evidence based knowledge and dedication ready for you to tap into