I am all about results and I know you are too!

Have you ever saved up for something you really wanted?
It takes some patience and focus, knowing that you are accumulating the resources you need for the thing your most desire.

It takes 3 months for every egg and sperm to mature and everything both of you does, in terms of nutrition and lifestyle, those 90 days immediately prior to conception can influence the outcome, either positively or negatively. Investing this short amount of time can make all the difference

Your Now Baby Fertility Fundamentals Course covers all the critical areas, in order to get pregnant naturally.

Over 12 weekly modules you will learn and implement the steps required to overcome your fertility challenges and get pregnant faster, even if IVF has failed.

Hi! I am Claire Burrows

Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach and Clinical Lead at Now Baby

I have helped over 550 couples just like you, to get pregnant faster. I have accumulated years of evidence based knowledge and experience and packaged it all for you in a 12 week, easy to follow, self guided course, delivered directly to you online.
As a former project manager, I have put this together in a logical sequence with well explained, jargon free, bite sized steps.

Thanks to the effectiveness of this course, couples whose IVF has failed in every clinic in the country, have succeeded to conceive naturally following this simple process.

Just imagine...


no injections


no bloating from medication


no pills


no wanda


no waiting for an appointment


no hot flushes from synthetic hormones


no chemically induced menopause


no exorbitant fees


no producing a semen sample in a cup

Not just a positive pregnancy test

You may have had a positive pregnancy test before and perhaps it didn’t stick. This time you can be sure you have put all of the right ingredients in to optimise your baby’s ability to stick and to thrive.
Imagine finally getting that positive result, calculating your due date and really ‘expecting’.

Your first glimpse at your baby's heartbeat

Your first scan is awesome. No fingers or toes yet, but a strong heartbeat. Your due date may be confirmed at this point so you can book into the hospital system and think about sharing the happy news with your wider circle.

Holding your baby

Nothing can prepare you for the overwhelming wave of love experienced when you hold your baby immediately after birthing. Whether you are a first time moma or rebirthing, your heart grows bigger in this moment and remains expanded for a lifetime.

Growing your family

This is really what it is all about. Growing your unit from a couple to a family. You can repeat the steps of the Now Baby Fertility Course as many times as you like, to have more and more babies, without having to incur additional expense.

Joining that moma's club that you felt excluded from

There you are, right in the thick of it, with YOUR baby and YOUR stroller. Yes, finally you are part of something so special. There is no feeling like being a moma and being part of a community of other momas to grow and share together.

How does it work?

Your fertility is not stuck or set in stone, it changes, day to day, minute to minute. You have the power to positively influence those changes and level up from sub fertile to fertile.

Now Baby Fertility Fundamentals Course will give you

  • 12 weekly modules delivered directly to your device, addressing the key areas to improve yours and your partner’s fertility naturally.
  • Content includes videos, lessons, pdfs to download.
  • Weekly emails keeping you focused and making progress.
  • A monthly discount on professional grade supplements so you can get pregnant faster.
  • The Now Baby 12 Weekly Fertility Meal Plans, including daily breakfast, lunch and snack recommendations, delicious recipes and handy weekly shopping lists.

Week 1

Blood Sugar balance

Switch off fat storage, reduce reliance on sugar and caffeine, reduce cravings and start balancing hormones naturally.


Week 2

Exercise for fertility

What type of exercise will support your fertility journey.


Week 3


Toxins steal our fertility resources. How to reduce daily exposure and make simple changes to your daily habits.


Week 4


How to adequately nourish your body for conception.


Week 5

Sperm Health

How to produce and maintain high sperm count, motility and morphology for optimum fertility.


Week 6


Achieve and maintain regular ovulation and track it accurately, so that you can time your baby dance perfectly for success.


Week 7


Strategies to maintain peace, calm and reduce anxiety.


Week 8

Sub fertility

Low AMH, PCOS, endometriosis, autoimmune conditions, miscarriage can have their own special challenges. Simple steps can bridge the gap.


Week 9


Quality sleep for natural fertility, including shift workers.


Week 10

Food labels

Ignore the marketing and learn to discern the truth before choosing to put it in your body.


Week 11


Your gut and vaginal bacteria are your greatest fertility supporters


Week 12

Next steps

Congratulations! The do’s and don’ts of the first trimester of pregnancy.

This all sounds great but what if….

...we are not ready to start yet?

There will never be a perfect time to start, but there is no time like the present. There is no need to wait for test results or for the start of a menstrual cycle. Getting started today is the best way to succeed fast.

...we get pregnant during the course?

Congratulations! That is exactly what the course is for. Nothing in the course is unsuitable for pregnancy, so you can continue with all of the modules, they support a healthy pregnancy as well as a healthy conception. And of course will get immediate benefit from the first trimester module in Week 12.

...I have low AMH?
AMH is a hormone, it can go up as well as down. Despite what you may have been told, it is NOT a measure of your ovarian reserve. Women with AMH of 0.1 have got pregnant naturally on this course.
...I have PCOS?
It is still possible to get pregnant naturally, even if you don’t have a regular cycle. What and when you eat has a significant impact on the effects of PCOS. You can expect to see regular cycles and ovulation along with improved skin and reduced facial hair.
... it doesn't work?

For some couples, getting pregnant can take longer than 3 months. Underlying medical factors or a long history of poor lifestyle can delay things. No matter how long it takes or what sacrifices are made to get there, it will always be worth it.
In the past I have seen clients wait 2, 3 even 5 years and spend tens of thousands on medical treatments that didn’t work, only to come back and succeed with this course in just 90 days. They took the long traditional medical route – don’t follow them. Here is your opportunity to succeed, but it definitely won’t work if you don’t try.
And what if it does work!? A year from now, you will be glad you started today


...I have a food allergy?

This is a common issue and one that is easily resolved. For many people with a food allergy or intolerance, they consume alternatives, i.e. ‘gluten free’, which have additives that are neither healthy nor fertile friendly. The Now Baby meal plan is free from added sugar, dairy free, caffeine free, high in fibre, nutrient dense and blood sugar balancing. All of the ingredients are easily available locally and there are plenty of options to swap what you can’t eat and still get great nourishment.

... we don't have then funds to pay now, can we join later?

This is not just a financial commitment, it is a commitment to your future family. I have put a monthly payment option in place to make the financial commitment manageable because I want you to get pregnant as soon as possible. 

...there is male infertility
This course is for both partners. Whether either or both of you have an identified fertility issue, this course can help you both optimize and maintain peak fertility health.
...if medical intervention hasn't worked?
5 out of 6 couples get pregnant naturally. This is your chance to harness the power of Nature, so she can bring you your baby.
...we have had miscarriages?
Getting pregnant and then losing it is heart-breaking, you have my sincerest sympathy.
Most early losses occur due to incompatibility with life, the embryo doesn’t have the necessary resources to proceed. This course will give you the opportunity to adequately resource your next pregnancy by improving the egg and sperm quality along with the mother’s nutritional status, which implements the genetic instruction. I generally recommend that you complete the course before trying to conceive so that your body is working with the most well nourished egg and sperm, to avoid another loss.
unexplained infertility

Unexplained infertility

Unexplained infertility is not a diagnosis, it is a failure to diagnose. It is a factor in approx 25% of all fertility issues.

This couple were in their early 30s and were trying to conceive their first baby for 18 months before starting the Now Baby Fertility Fundamentals course. Having addressed some simple nutrition and lifestyle factors they were pregnant in just 90 days.

no donor

Natural success after donor egg

This couple had their first baby through IVF and donor egg because, after a series of failed IVF cycles, this was the advice from their IVF clinic.

For their second child they did the Now Baby Fertility Fundamentals course and succeeded to get pregnant naturally without needing a donor. IVF is not always the most appropriate solution and should be an option only after other, less invasive measures, have been exhausted.



Poly Cystic Ovaries (PCOS) affects approx 15% of menstruators. It is primarily a metabolic disorder, akin to diabetes,  which may also cause fertility issues and increases the risk of miscarriage and gestational diabetes. Along with PCOS, this mama has an auto immune disease which limits her nutrition options. Her husband also had some work to do around his nutrition. He suffered with digestive issues due to a busy schedule and poor eating habits, all of which were addressed over just 90 days.

This beautiful baby girl is their 2nd child, they also had their son with the Now Baby Fertility Fundamentals course.

What do you say?

Are you ready to ditch the overwhelm and confusion that have stagnated your plans and join the 550 graduates who have already succeeded to conceive?

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